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Mentoring Project

The Minority Band Directors National Association Mentoring Project is designed to connect young band directors with veteran band directors. It initiative is designed to improve stability in the profession, assist with recruitment and retention in programs to providing wise and valued advice to our younger teachers.  


Special attention will be placed on program building and developing long-term goals.  It is our hope that these one-on-one sessions will build toward lifelong learning and lasting relationships.  â€‹ 

Mentors will be band directors with several successful of teaching, morally appreciated within their community and respected statewide, regionally or nationally. Mentors will be paired with mentees based on the teacher’s specific needs. 


Mentors may have several protégés, and mentees may have more than one mentor if other areas of expertise are required (marching band specialist, jazz specialist, etc).  The MBDNA Mentor Project is designed to be for a minimum of three years.  â€‹

Matching mentor teachers with younger teachers will be both a process of self-matching and administrative-matching.  Mentees may request a particular mentor and every effort will be made to satisfy those requests. 


Location and proximity to mentors may be a consideration but digital communications are additional means for discussion.  However, it is always best when directors located near each other are paired.

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